Wednesday, November 26, 2008

New Hair Makes Pregnant Hips Feel Smaller

So I colored my hair this week. I have never gone darker than my natural color, but I am super pleased with how it turned out. I think it is my favorite change so far- at least I more immediately loved it than any other color before. The pics aren't the greatest, but you get the idea.


kaylasue said...

How does new hair make pregnant hips "feel" smaller? You are already small, so I don't think that being any smaller would be a good thing for you my dear... :D I love you!

jenny said...

Yeah I am with the above comment. You are already TEENY! The hair looks amazing! Love it.

Jenny said...

so cute. this gives me courage to go darker. I have an appointment set to darken my locks in 2 weeks! yikes. i'm nervous but excited.

Unknown said...

I love your hair dark!! Good job on it!! I had to laugh when I saw your blog the day I went dark too!! I really think it makes pregnant hips feel smaller!!:) I miss you!!

Mike and Kris said...

Sorry, that last comment from Daryl was from me!! I didn't realize I was signed on as him!!:)

Rob and Marseille said...

just wait until after you have the baby, then you'll say what happened to my body? Hips spread, jeans don't fit, etc.