Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Today was my first day on the job of mothering 2 kids. Mom left this morning and Soren went back to work. What a day.

I barely got done the 3 things on my list today and was SOOOOO glad someone else made and brought dinner. Thank you Anne!

Lets just say I take back anything I ever said I thought I knew/know about mothering. My new policy is

"Do Anything You Have To To Maintain Sanity and Survive."

Wish us luck tomorrow.  :)


Seidi said...

You can do it!!! I know you can. Love you and good luck tomorrow. Wish I could come visit!

Kate Challis said...

So isn't it crazy how a newborn blob makes everything so much harder?! You will do great though, especially as your body recovers and you have more energy. It's been about two months for us and it's not totally about survival anymore; just mostly hehe :) good luck!

Amber and David said...

lol~ Amen sista! Where's the "like" button! It gets better Kilee, take it a day at a time! Congratulations on your new addition!

Melissa P said...

I bet it was so nice to have your mom in town! Now you get to figure out your routine and get in the swing of things. I hope the transition goes ok over the next few days/weeks! Pretty soon you will get to share all your secrets :)

Alainarae said...

whoa, you had a list, as in a to do list?! That is like 20 steps ahead of where I was after I was on my own with two! But, it gets easier. Let the laundry pile up, they grow up too fast!

Helena said...

I'm still trying to survive. Bobby's out of town for the next 3 weeks. I wonder when I'm going to shower...? From a few different accounts I've received, after the second turns 2, things get significantly easier. Since that's a million years away, I just take it a day at a time and try to do what I can. I'm rarely completely satisfied, but I do my best. Good luck on your end--you'll do well; you're a great mom :)

Mike and Kris said...

You pretty much are amazing and I'm sure you'll get into the "swing of things" in no time!! Just take it one day at a time!! Wish I could come cuddle your sweet baby!!

Laura said...

It's crazy but you'll figure out little things along the way that make it easier! You'll do great!

Rob and Marseille said...

I think 1 goal per day is good. blog or shower or make lunch...well, you have to eat...